Astrologically, we are traversing the Scorpio period
right now. One of the central themes of this archetype is learning to let go of
whatever is ”too much” (often the inner Taurus has accumulated). To avoid
misunderstandings: Everyone of us has the Scorpio archetyp in their charts (and
thus: their lifes) in a significant way, via:
a) the sign of Scorpio (I have yet not seen
one chart that had it cut out of the Zodiac !)
b) the planet of Pluto
eighth house
One way to constructively and voluntarily live the
principle would be to fast. Fasting has existed as a spiritual excercise in all
tradtion in order to cleanse the individual, and thus prepare the grounds for
something new, a next step in the larger evolution of Self.
Few people today are willing and have the discipline
to go through a fasting process. We are so used to always stuffing ourselves
–and in addtion (ab-)using food for stuffing psychological holes, that it feels
”too hard”.
Personally, I have gone –especially in my younger days
– through quite a few fasting periods. Mostly I have done ”zero food” fasts ,
only drinking water and herbal teas, over a week. Once, as a 16 year old, I
went through a 6 week period of fasting, as part of a larger cleasing process.
This may sound a bit extreme – and it was, alt least the 6 week stunt. I am not
temped to repeat it now and astrologically, this is not my path any longer.
But – and here comes my suggestion to you- it might be
really usefull BOTH physcially AND psychologically to fast in one way or the
other from time to time. I’d say: at least once a year, if not twice. The
periods best suited for the would be Scorpio and Pisces (or Taurus). Spring and
Fall would be a good start.
One could chose to drop one ingredient that one
”cannot do without” (psychologically). Some good examples would be:
Sugar. Alcohol. Gluten.
(or several over them in combination)
Those words sound and look rather of
unspectacular on the page. But in reality,
not to use them for a while would be quite a feat. In a
”drop-an-ingredient-fast” I’d suggest to do it minimum a month, if it is meant
to have any effect at all.
And it ’s quite interesting to observe what this does
with you, your body, your soul.
Physically you can be sure, it will lighten your
load significantly (no matter if one
weights too much or not, that is not any
main point in this context). It might also be that some chronic illness (an
allergy, or s,.th. along those lines) begins to shift.
And psychologically, of course it is
very interesting to see what happens if lets go of certain compensation
to let go of writing and get moving.