The 12 Faces of Eros

In a time and space that seems both oversexed and -at the same time- still somewhat repressed in regard to sexuality, it might be interesting to explore the question of the Eros archetype. One might start with the fundamental question: what does Eros mean ? Or, if one looks at it in an archetypal way: who is Eros ?
The first things to «get» is that Eros is a God. This means that there is in reality nothing trivial about Eros. Rather the other way around: a «God» means in my book « a major archetypal force». Eros is the archetypal force working behind the Law of Attraction. Everything that attracts us, that we find attractive is an emenation of Eros.
Every person carries inside themselves their own personal and transpersonal Eros. In a more differentiated way of perception one could split up the Eros wholeness into 12 Sub-Eros´es, plural, as each of the individual´s 12 subpersonalities has their own microcosmic Eros. Which might lighten up another fundamental misunderstanding around Eros: in consensus reality people assume that the erotic is something that comes from the outside. That assumption is misleading, as it oversees the fundamental aspect that human being in the first instance carry their own Eros(es) within themselves -which THEN get trigged by stimuli outside themselves. And -but this would lead to a whole new book, potentially book title 987 – of course, it is well worth noting that the stimuli that meet us from the outside don´t meet us accidentially, but in correspondance with the laws of the larger cosmic dance. They come when they must, in order to challenge to individual to exactly the growing edge that (s)he requires at that point in time & space.
Which has already pretty much answered the another fundamental question, namely which function Eros has in our lives, why we need to be attracted to something or someone erotically: we need the attraction -as a superb trick of the cosmos- to pull us out of our old selves and get -excuse me, - our asses into gear. Moving towards that which attracts us, so that it can -on the long run- make us meet the yet unrealized potential that is still asleep in the shadow realms of our own soul. Thus, the erotic attraction is meant to direct our attention towards our own shadow, with the intention that we eventually realise that symbolic content behind it as our own material, waiting to be kissed awake, in good old – and always equally new- Cinderella style. BTW: note that your role in this play is to be the princess asleep and the climbing-kissing prince at the same time !
To formulate it inversely: we cannot get attracted to something that we already have realized ourselves. Eros turns his back there, it is not interesting ! This means that Eros is always, always, always (old shamanic wisdom, you have to say it THREE TIMES) related to the shadow. And even if we might not be too hip to hear it: the Eros that attracts us to our partners is cannot be other-Wise.
Our partner is (a large part of) our shadow. In that context we have the chance to either see the partner as such (loving and learning) or fighting him/her, that in reality only are a reflection of a dark part of ourselves. Dark as = not visible. Not as = scary shit.
Eros is all around and all within, and a driving force of both personal and collective evolution.
Eros has consenus reality been reduced to physical sexual attraction. Nothing wrong with that form of Eros -Life would be quite a lot poorer and less fun without it- but that is just ONE of TWELVE possible forms of Eros.
Eros is all around and all within, any given moment of time and space, and a (the ?) driving
force of both personal and collective evolution.