One of my favourite approaches towards
dreamwork is to log into the dream material by means of astrological
archetypes. The general idea of that particular approach is to look
at the main motives that show up in the dream and correlate them to
the planetary archetypes or archetype combinations. Let´s say, for
instance, that the motive of a snake shows up as a dream image. This
would points towards the Pluto/Scorpio and thus informs me that the
dreamer is in the process of under (!)-going a plutonic
transformation and initiation. As a therapist, I would then do what I
can (and not do what I can´t !) to help churning the
alchemical fire and at the same time work with the individual´s
conscious understanding of what is happening.
Let´s say a person is dreaming about
a Volcano. This would again point towards the Scorpio principle.
Maybe in combination with Leo/tSun, which stands for ex-press-ion.
Also in this case it would mean that the dreamer is preparing for a
metamorphosis, but – as the image suggests- with a slightly
different spin: the volcano image connotates that is a lot of
internal material has been stuffed down and is now pressing towards a
release, or waiting to be expressed. Therapeutically, I would then
start drilling holes in the side of the Volcano and let the lava
slowly run out (better than to wait for the eruption and have a few
villages burned by it).
A dream about an escape would hint
towards unredeemed Pisces/Neptun and would thus inform me as a
therapist that this archetypes neeed to be lifted towards a new level
of the indi-vidual´s evolution.
Thus, the astrogical archetype
approach could facilitate therapeutic processes by letting the
potential dream reader know via linking it to the respective
archetype what the «actual deal is», meaning: which developement is
«up» now (or rather: soon. As the dream is still «down» and
yearning to come «up»...into the awareness and integrated into