I could write a whole book just about the analogies between the cultivation of the human soul and working in the garden.
Here is one that hit me today:
If we translate that principle to the level of human individuation: we outgrow our old forms all the time. As we grow, we need correspondingly larger containers, more expansive life modalities that can accomodate this new level of our personal evolution.
But (there always seems to be a «but» when hunan beings are involved): more often than not human beings stay put in their old forms: old forms of defining their own identities, outdated ways of being in relationships, safe but boring jobs that don´t correspond with one´s current visions of vocation and attraction – to name only a few. Or think about parents, trying to press their children into forms (schools, pedagogics etc) that don´t fit the size of their soul, brain, body, creativity -don´t get me started....
Think about society, and the collective psyche: also here we could quote thousands of examples where the developement of consciousness – the content- has outgrown the old forms. Economic and monetary politics, for example.Banks and their dealings.
In architecture it is often postulated that « form follows function «.
This applies for human evolution, too. Individually and collectively.
The function in that case is: growth as a human being into Self.
As usual: this work starts at the individual level. The collective is only the sum of the individual. So: feel free to check out your own form(s) and find new pots that fits who you are here & now.
Until you have outgrown that pot, as-well.
And so on.
Until the pot is as large as the whole cosmos and no more a pot at all.
For the astro-minded: we are talking the bright side of the Scorpio archetype- which is, of course, as bright as any.
I can hear Monty Python sing: « always look on the bright side of Scorpio...»