I have been secretly working with a book called « Seriously Fun Archetypes». It is about time a book of such demeanour sees the light of the world, as all the old and orginal archetype books of Carl Gustav Jung (the inventor of the archetype term) and his seriously dry and dusty Jungians seem somewhat outdated in our groovy fast forwarding times and spaces. Those old timers are really just serious and not a lot of fun.
Today I added a new one to the seriously FUN list, namely: The Inner Curious George. To safe myself some time (
many books to write, pant, pant
), I quote Wikipedia for some background info:
Curious George
is the
of a series of popular
by the same name, written by
. The books feature a curious brown
named George, who is brought from his home in
by "The Man with The Yellow Hat" to live with him in a big city.
As with all my seriously FUN archetypes, I am suggesting that we could all greatly profit from getting in touch with a part of our Selves that is LIKE THAT. As the Hindu philosophers says « Tat tvam asi» = « I am also that ». And
is precisely the reason why I suggest that one might get something -or maybe quite a lot- out of discovering this seriously FUN archetype inside one self, or rather: One´s Self. And of course, eventually, actively living them Out of OneSelf, thus freeing those quirky vital parts of our Selves into Life and the World.
One look at him (or
?) provides us immediately with a clear intuition about what The Inner Curious George is all about: the playfull, uninhibitedly curious part of our
. The part that likes to climb palm trees or lamp posts. The part that wouldn´t think twice about opening the door to the lion´s cage in the Zoo. The part that likes to peer into other people´s window, out of sheer curiousity, without a blink of a dark intention luring behind. Every moment is magic, unique and full of potential fun. Everybody is a potential play mate. In passing one might want to mention that The Inner Curious George is a subpersonality of the Inner Child (boooooooooring !). The Inner Curious George is a mercurial-lunatic play part -something that most so called grown ups have put to sleep or in a cage- and wonder why life has become so unexquisitely booooooring.
Tomorrow (or some other life), we will explore another GREAT character that we all need to tune into more often (at least if we want to have some serious fun): The Inner Hat with the Cat.
Another wonderfull being, also at home in a wonder-fool psyche near you and in you.
Look at me!
Look at me!
Look at me NOW!
It is fun to have fun
But you have to know how.”