There is a lot one could say about
what books really say (f x that all characters in a novel are nothing
but variations on the author´s own 12 personas that (s)he tries to
become conscious of by the writing process), but that would take many
books to write, so I within this frame there is just one interesting
astrological point I´d like to make:
whenever a date shows up in a novel (
f x like in the book Edgar Sawtelle I am currently reading in
front of the fireplace, while the rain is pounding on the mossy roof,
: « He was that baby-boy, born on the thirteenth of May 1958, at six
o ´clock in the morning. They named him Edgar «), I take an
internal note of that. Often, from my experience, I know what
moon-nodes such a date would correspond to (axis Taurus-Scorpio).
Plus other information that might be in a given date, like the sun
sign (Taurus, in this case), and if I feel so inclined, I might even
check the time against the chart. And here comes the clue and reason
why I am writing this: it turns out that the «fictional time/ date»,
that the writer seemingly by chance has put down actually
astrologically reflects in how the characters lifes evolves in the
course of the book ! Meaning, the accidental chart of the fictional
character plays out in the pages. Bingo.
But what does that mean, how can that
be possible ? I think we can rule out the option that the writer is
an astrologer-in-the-closet, and old magician of sorts, that happens
to have a knack for writing novels that contain oscure messages to
esoteric readers.
What this say to me (everybody is free
to chose their own beliefs) is that
- no matter if something is «fictional» or «real», the same cosmological mechanics are at work, if the instrument (the writer) is aware of it or not
- the borders between fiction and reality are rather arbitrarySomething to reflect upon.Time for me to get back to my book !