Dreams, Shadows, Potentials

At night, when the the controlling mechanisms of consciousness have finally been put to sleep, strange images, symbols and figures creep into our dreams and act out an inner drama, a seemingly strange script of the soul. What or who are those demons and angels that dance in the twilight of the dream landscapes, and what is their meaning, if any ? As we awake and shift again back in daylight consciousness and modality many of the images and the entity of the dream can seem surreal, absurd and lacking in logic or sense. Which is, of course, a grave misunderstanding- born of human beings incapacity and/or fear to read their own symbols, and in general, to make sense of their own personal journey towards them Selves.
Here is what all this is about, according to my current state of understanding:
  1. All material that crosses over from the threshold of the unconsious into the night consciousness that the dream potentially represents, are psychological, physiological or spiritual shadows.

  2. Shadows are per definition the parts of our Selves that we do not want to see, realize, live-even though they are vital parts of what we as indivduals are meant to be. They are, so to say the yet un-realized dream-realities of our lives.
    1. Because we do not want to integrate them into our lives our day-light consciousness pushes the potentials that they really are away.
    2. Because we don´t want to live them during the day, they start «spooking» us during the night, in one form or the other.
    3. Thus every mare that rides us during the night is nothing but a yet unborn potential, waiting to be born.